However, today was much brighter and warmer, at least in our area. It was warm enough to sit in the sun for morning tea after I had walked around the hill to get a few more photos.
Fog rising.

Black Mountain peeping through.

Brindabellas above the fog.

Icy patches in the shade.

Could this be my favourite tree, I wonder?

Thick fog hovering over the Murrumbidgee River.

I love photographs of pathways and roads leading to unknown territory. It is so mysterious. The 'peep' photo is glorious. Glad it warmed up some for you. I put an extra blanket on my little ones beds tonight. Hugs xox
You are so lucky to have such magnificent views from where you live...I'd be steady going for walks too if I had that kind of view!! Love the pictures:-)
It's hard to imagine winter coming on in your part of the world when we are having our springtime here. It's been in the mid to high 80's F. here and it's been so nice we get to spend afternoons in the pool just lolling around. Your pictures, as always, tell the story and are lovely.
Brrr! I wouldn't like to experience temps that cold without a furnace to warm our house. The fog rising above the trees is beautiful and that favourite tree IS a pretty one.
I'd forgotten that it's the Murrumbidgee River that runs through there.
Our temps have been a little on the cool side with mild high temps (75F/23C)...nowhere near as hot as Motherkitty in Kentucky. However, we're very happy to have our sun back!
You must have been a bit nippy sitting at your computer Alice. Hope you had a nice space heater to warm your icy toes.
I'm glad you're having warmer temps now.
I'm off to plant more window boxes and containers!
You have to live in paradise from all those lovely photos. Will trade all our terrible hot weather for your cold :)
it sure has been chilly here too. yesterday here at home it didn't get over about 10 degrees which is cold but it is the absolute chill in the air that seeps into my bones. have a warmer weekend, Alice. I do hope mr Frost doesnt nip at your toes!
That tree speaks volumes, Alice. Australian trees, for nearly two centuries unappreciated by the general populace, now being celebrated for all their glorious shapes, sizes, colors, barks, etc. When I first came to Australia I was astonished by them, and it was my enthusiasm in pointing them out that made my Aussie husband see them with new eyes.
Oh Alice, that is very cold. In Germany we have 30 ° and more, too hot for me.
Alice, That sounds really cold. Tassie Cold! On Vancouver Island in the winter the average day was about 6 degrees. How is the skiing in your parts?
Hello Alice....
Lovely views, you certainly have some spectacular countryside around you. It seems quite strange to see your frosty conditions whilst we are in mid summer. Its the longest day of the year tomorrow. Goodness, how this year has flown! The heat wave of the past 2/3 weeks has broken and today its windy, showery and quite chilly. Marion
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