Next time I think that we're not achieving anything in the garden, perhaps I should look at these photos taken in the first two years after we moved into the house. (These are photos of photos, hence the poor quality, for which I apologise.) The later photos were taken within the past year.
Garage and carport under construction. Driveway came some time later.

You can just see the carport in the distance.

You can just see the carport in the distance.

View from vegie garden to espaliered fruit trees on house wall.

East side of yard, currently being developed - AT LAST.

East side of yard, currently being developed - AT LAST.

The beginning photos are always a wonderful way to show how far you have come. Ashley and I were very impressed. They are also a fantastic way to encourage yourself when it seems you are getting no where. (Been there done When you two have finished working in your bit of paradise - do you want to come and offer advice on mine?
What Richard says "No Way". But I'm nice, I even make him a
Wow...what a lot of work you've done!
hi and thanks for popping into my blog. Good to see that blogging is turning into a family affair. I have seen you in my sisters blog. Small world huh. Your wee grand daughter if beautiful, reminds me of my middle child.
love the pics too
I lived in Weld St , Yarralumla for my first month in Australia. Lovely place but love it up here in Brissy.
take care for now
Sorry, Alice, none of your pictures showed (just little boxes). When I clicked on the first two boxes, I was able to see the pictures, but none of the others could be opened.
WOW! Alice, what a lot of work! Don't show them to Richard, he will want to just sit down and rest! These pics are inspiration for me to get out and do something in my yard.
can you come do mine now? I am the before photos but trying to get to the after!
It's when you see before and after pictures that you realize just how much time and effort you've put in making it look as it is today!! It all looks lovely and well worth all the work!!
I love to see the before and after comparisons. It's nice to have a peek at different parts of your yard too. You two have certainly done a ton of work over the years, and it's all looking very lovely. I'd love to take a stroll through your yard with you Alice!
Any time you fancy a change ~ let me know and we'll swap homes. Love what you've done with the landscaping and flora. You have truly put your mark on the place.
Bests as always,
What a difference, your garden is wonderful, what a change you have made.
this is a great bit of social history you've recorded, as well as a personal one. I hope all those photos are dated, with the location too. You never know how this might be useful and interesting to future generations. Makes me think again of all the history revealed in blogs and other web pages around the world - will they be accessible further down the track? It's our version of the handwritten diaries afterall.
Alice, you live in the paradise! Tht are great photos from a wonderful home and arrea, and you have done a good work!
You've created a wonderful place to live!
Ye Gads! I'm gobsmacked...
What precious photos though...and how rewarding for you both.
so what did you both do in your spare time? I am in awe of you both ! all that work is enough for someone to have a melt down - gawd, I feel one coming on!
Alice - you and Richard are amazing. Thanks for sharing your inspiring garden journey with us. It's so good to see the transformation and your achievement. Well done.
Lots of progress!!! Sometimes we forget just how much work we have done on our homes and in our gardens.
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