I'm sure the frost would have been thicker in other places, but this was the best I could do in dressing-gown and slippers.

Tree dahlias finally succumbed.

Regal Pelargoniums. I hope they won't be cut back too much.

Frozen, crunchy ground.

The idle comments of a passionate Australian gardener, whose 'Growing Delight' is sharing the everyday bits'n'pieces with other lovers of gardening, and through photography, the beauty of the Australian landscape.
Wish I were there wearing a heavy sweater drinking a cup of tea walking around your garden... here you either need a swimsuit for all the rain or as little clothing as possible for all the heat! Love all your photos.
yep, that looks pretty much like my garden the past few days. brr it is cold & I am loving it!!!
Alice, does it get cold in Canberra? haha
Frost can be so damaging to plants and flowers but I'm always amazed at how beautiful it can make everything look too...especially when the trees are all frosted up! We had frost last week...and it's our Spring here!! At least now it's starting to warm up nicely again so we may get a summer after all! lol
Your a brave soul Alice- can see you hopping around in your slippers!
So glad it is summertime here- winters are too long.
Perhaps will do the same come our Christmas time.
that looks lovely -- as long it's in your part of the world--LOL.
You've caught the morning sun shining on the frost so beautifully. I can envision you in your dressing-gown and slippers flitting around with your trusty camera. You're a funny one Alice :) It certainly looks cold, but still beautiful. We had temps of about 46ºF (8C) over the weekend...much too cold! But we have our sunshine back now, thank heavens! I'm off to do some planting!
I will speak out for what others are wanting to ask: let's have a photo of Alice in her dressing gown and slippers! But brrrr! I wouldn't have gone outside at all in that cold. Glad you did though, the photos are beautiful.
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