Yet again I must apologise for the quality as they are only photos of photos (when, oh when, will I buy a scanner???).
These really are a garden in a basket, with a wide range of plants - rarely did one see a basket with only one variety of flower.
The Horseshoe Inn at Ledbury.

The Harbour Light Cottage at Boscastle, Cornwall.

Pedestrian Mall, Exeter, Devon.

More baskets in Ledbury.

The gardeners in Ledbury were really striving for perfection.

Our very modest little garden in Ivybridge, Devon.

The Feathers Hotel. Ludlow, Shropshire. Is that Aussie contemplating a quick drink?

Summer decorations at the Barbican, Plymouth, Devon.

Beautiful baskets...I like the variety!
The baskets are lovely. I have seen them also when visiting Victoria, British Columbia. It was one of the cleanest and prettiest towns we've ever visited...
Oh wow, all the baskets are so beautiful, filled with all those glorious flowers! I've been in some small towns where they've hung baskets like that around the main streets and I've always admired that..just adds to the atmosphere and looks so pretty.
Those are beautiful Alice, they must have every flower available in those baskets.....
My inlaws are from Cornwall and am always blown over by the hanging baskets. Hubby used to live in Devon too- l love it down there- milder climate- just enough for more tropical flowers/more colours etc.
Enjoyed those pics and there's nothing wrong with contemplating a quick drink. :)
Wow - they really know how to do basket flowers! I especially love the colours in the last AND building.
It all looks very pretty over there ... like something out of a picture story book. Thanks for sharing. Hope your week is going well. Take care, Meow
It's hard to take photos of photos...I've tried, with not very successful results. You do it so well Alice.
'Wow' is definitely the word to use for those baskets! I'm amazed they do so well in the English climate. They must get enough sunshine! They've put so many flowers in those baskets. It's amazing! They look really beautiful.
Thanks for taking the time to do that search.
You've got me wishing I could go see the real thing.
I love the photos of the hanging flower baskets. Such summer glory!
Just incredible! Puts all of the baskets I have seen here in the US to shame. Now, how do they get up there to water all of them? Or does it rain enough there that they don't need to be watered often?
What a delight to see these stunning and yet so familiar pictures on your blog. I know Ledbury very well, it was quite a favourite drive out there when we lived in Gloucestershire and of course when we drive back ‘home’ as I still call it, we make a point of going through the town. At this time of year Ledbury is a stunning sight, festooned with hanging baskets and other floral displays and there, as in Ludlow, the black & white Tudor architecture is magnificent.
Seeing the Harbour Light Cottage at Boscastle made me wonder if that pretty place is still exists. Did you hear about the dreadful flood they had at Boscastle, I guess it must be about a couple of years ago, it devastated the village destroying so much of the harbour area.
Lovely, lovely pictures that have come out very well. Marion
Note for ‘oldroses’ cleaver irrigation systems are fitted for the window boxes and extended water hoses for the hanging baskets.
Loved the pictures, am so looking forward to all the smells again I know that must sounw weird but a lot of our gardens are golden cane and fow tail palms which while they look good just doont give off the smells but on a brighter note I love my frangipani"s too. thanks for sharing.
talk about eye candy -- WOW.
Can't believe the quality of the "photos of photos"! I must try it myself, just to see how they come out. But we did buy a scanner months ago and I've only scanned a few things. Very handy to have. Loved the Barbican photo. Imagine a village with many of those types of buildings, no cars, it must have looked enchanting.
Just a quick update: the Harbour Lights has now been givin full planning permission to reinstate the building in situ, just as it was before it was washed away by the floods, including, I believe the roof line! Unfortunately that pub in Notte Street no-longer has those fantatstic baskets. Morning from a hot and sticky Plymouth.
Why the hell I have not seen this post? I found it in the moment via garden voices. Alice, thats great. Oh, my lovely Britain! I have a lot of photos from hanging baskets, also hundrets or thousends of papier photos, and my Mr. Wonderful scanned me a lot of British garden photos for the Winter, that I can show them to you!
Tanks Alice, now my day is saved!
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